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Thermostat 6

Climate Change I  SDGs

Recommended ages:12+


Thermostat 6

France I 2018 I 4 mins I Dir: Maya Av-Ron & Marion Coudert & Mylene Cominotti & Sixtine Dano

Diane can no longer ignore the leak from the ceiling above the family dinner table.


A teenage girl tries to persuade her family to repair a water leak that threatens her home during a family meal... And very quickly, the situation escalates. Allegory of a world immersed in indifference because it cannot evolve to take full account of climate change and the "existential danger" caused.

Thermostat 6 - Animation Short Film 2018 - GOBELINS

Thermostat 6 - Animation Short Film 2018 - GOBELINS

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Climate change: Earth's giant game of Tetris - Joss Fong

Climate change: Earth's giant game of Tetris - Joss Fong

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